Chiropractic pros and cons

Four out of five people will not visit a chiropractor, even when they have back pain. A lot of sufferers remain ignorant of how chiropractic care can help, often because of widespread misconceptions about chiropractors. Here, we weigh up the chiropractic pros and cons of care:

How can a chiropractor help me? Chiropractic Pros

Muscular pain is the main reason people visit a chiropractor looking to relieve the pain in their necks, shoulders, backs and legs. This pain may have stemmed from a particular incident, such as a sporting injury, or may have just worsened with age. After an initial assessment, chiropractors can design a bespoke course of treatment for this pain, usually consisting of spinal adjustments, manipulation and even massage.

Chiropractic care is not a quick fix. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs are often used to treat spinal pain, but they in no way identify the root of the problem. A chiropractor can tell you why you are experiencing pain and analyse your nervous system specifically. This is highly individualised and tailored treatment, and helps to create lasting pain relief. While medication can wear off and become less effective as your body becomes accustomed to the drug, chiropractic care can greatly assist your efforts to remain pain-free in the longer term.

We often underestimate the necessity of good posture. As our world advances and becomes more technological, we are seeing a rise in the amount of time people spend hunched over electronic devices, and our workplaces are becoming more office and desk-based. Our spinal health is deteriorating rapidly. The pressure on our necks, the position of our heads, and the unnecessary strain on the upper spine all exemplify that chiropractic care is required more now than ever before.

Why don’t we all visit a chiropractor? ‘Cons’ of chiropractic care

A common misconception about chiropractors is that because they are not medically trained doctors, they are not to be trusted. It is correct that chiropractors cannot officially diagnose medical conditions, but they certainly know your spine inside and out. They have years of training and experience and are the best judge of your spinal care. GPs themselves often recommend chiropractic care as an alternative to traditional forms of medicine.

The pain! If you have never visited a chiropractor before, it is easy to see why you may associate this kind of treatment with pain. You may have heard extreme stories from others, or seen exaggerated examples of chiropractic care on television. It is a myth that successful chiropractic treatment needs to hurt. While certain treatments can be slightly uncomfortable, chiropractic care is designed to eliminate pain from your life in general, so temporary discomfort is far preferable to a lifetime of back, neck and shoulder pain.
