Chiropractic Care for Pain Management

When we experience any pain in our bodies, it is all too easy to choose the fastest method of pain relief. This usually comes in the form of painkillers, whether over-the-counter or prescription drugs.

However, traditional medication only offers short-term relief for those living with pain, cannot be relied on forever, and can even become an addiction if our bodies become accustomed to its effects. By stocking up on painkillers, we mask the symptoms of our pain, rather than identifying and remedying the cause of it.

Chiropractic care and treatment, which is the manipulation of the spine with the hands, is highly effective for pain management. Here, we find out how:

Persistent neck pain

Intense neck pain is caused by a number of factors, and many of us will experience it during our lifetimes. Posture issues, hunching over a mobile device, sitting at a computer for an extended period of time and stress are all factors that contribute to our experiences of neck pain.

Stress is a particularly potent factor, as when we’re anxious or worried, we hold this tension in our necks and shoulders. When left untreated, this tension can develop into persistent neck pain.

Chiropractic care can assist in this by giving an initial assessment of the problem and then developing a tailored treatment plan to reduce the pain. This treatment can involve a mixture of spinal adjustments such as mobilisation and manipulation, massage and even acupuncture if required.

Pain and stiffness in the back

Back pain is an even more common complaint than neck pain, with most of us experiencing some form of back pain or stiffness at some point in our lives.

Pain and stiffness in the back generally stem from posture issues or some form of repetitive strain. Injuries, accidents and incidents involving heavy lifting can also create painful niggles in the back.

As back pain comes in many forms, seeking chiropractic care is far more advisable than traditional medication. A chiropractor can identify the source of the pain and perform manual therapies on the spine. They can then also offer lifestyle advice, with the intention of preventing further back pain or the effects of a previous back problem from returning.

Headaches and migraines

Headaches come in many different types and variations, so it is important to seek medical assessment from your GP to determine what type of headache or migraine you are likely to be suffering from.

However, if you are diagnosed as suffering from frequent cervicogenic headaches or migraines, chiropractor care can offer specific adjustments to help these and address spinal imbalances. They can also recommend home exercises and give posture advice to clients who are looking to ease the pain of headaches and migraines without long-term pain medication.
