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Sleep Tight – the Best Mattresses for Back Pain

For those of us living hectic, stressful lives in the capital, the last thing we need is for our sleeping patterns to be interrupted by ...
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4 Ways to Self-Treat Back and Neck Pain

It’s estimated that eight out of ten people will suffer from back or neck pain throughout their lives, with many of these suffering chronic discomfort. ...
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How to Avoid Neck Pain

We’ve all complained of a ‘stiff neck’ at some point. Whether you’ve woken up with neck pain after sleeping in an awkward position, or the ...
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How your Sleeping Position Affects your Body

Getting enough sleep is essential for your health – but did you know that the positions you lie in as you snooze can also affect ...
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Is it Dangerous to Crack your own Back?

We often get asked whether choosing to crack your own back is bad for you. While it is an old wives tale that cracking knuckles ...
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Top Reasons Working in Canary Wharf can be Stressful

Working in Canary Wharf or other areas of central London is often associated with stress; high pressure jobs, long commutes and polluted air can all ...
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The Science Behind the ‘Pop’ in Chiropractic Adjustments

When a chiropractor performs manual therapy on someone with back problems, the hands-on treatment is called spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments. These spinal adjustments are ...
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Why Exercise is Vital for a Healthy Back

Staying active and taking part in regular exercise is crucial for a healthy spine, and the symptoms of chronic back pain can usually be mitigated ...
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Top Myths About Back Cracking and Other Joints

Sometimes our bodies make strange noises, from a gurgling tummy to popping joints and bones. Many people are able to purposely crack their joints, with ...
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Does Back Pain get Worse in Winter?

Many people who suffer from chronic pain in the spine will report the symptoms getting worse as the weather gets colder. Similarly, people who don’t ...
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What to Expect on your First Visit to a Chiropractor

If you have never visited a chiropractor before, it’s natural to be apprehensive and wonder what the appointment might involve. Lots of people visit a ...
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4 Causes of Neck Pain and How to Treat Them

Neck pain or ‘a stiff neck’ is relatively common, and some people can suffer from repeated episodes of intense pain. You might feel pain on ...
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Top Signs of Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a spinal condition which causes the spine to twist and have an abnormal curvature. In many cases it is not serious and may ...
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How to Alleviate Back Pain Whilst Travelling

Sometimes long trips are unavoidable, especially if you love travelling to long haul tropical destinations. Whether you’re a long term backpacker or have a long ...
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Alternative Health Services in East London

Alternative health therapies and holistic health services are growing in popularity. Perhaps someone has a long standing health condition which doctors can’t diagnose, or they ...
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Why is Chronic Back Pain so Difficult to Cure?

Back pain is a huge problem worldwide, and many people suffer chronic back pain long term because it’s very difficult to diagnose and treat. Lower ...
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Common Sports Injuries and how to Avoid Them

Taking part in sports is a great way to stay active and for many it’s a lifelong hobby or profession. However, the trouble with popular ...
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How to Maintain Good Posture

You probably remember as a child being told to “Stop slouching in your chair!” and to “Stand up straight!” At the time it was irritating, ...
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